I am a LunarDude

I am really interested in how people and businesses think, and work.

I often think about how the values of an individual or organization impact its’ behavior. How does that behavior then impact the emotional state of individuals? How is change tolerated then by the behavior and values? How do individuals interact given the behaviors and values of the organization? How do people measure their self-worth, or what do they align to within the organization to understand how they fit in whatever the perceived value chain is. How is the adaptation of technologies in operating the business viewed? So many questions, so little time…

No ideas are too strange.

No thoughts are too “out there”.

Focus on the people you serve, the ones whose lives you are trying to make better with the product offerings you provide. Focus on these people first. Hold them up so everyone involved really understands what it is like to view the world from their perspective, connecting with their hopes and dreams, their fears and failures.

Business does not have to be what it is today and should not be what it was in the future. Change happens whether or not you want it, so it’s best to dive in and make it change for the better.

Let’s explore some ideas and new ways of thinking!